In the competitive world of digital marketing, every click matters. Google Ads is a powerful tool that helps businesses reach their target audience, drive traffic, and generate conversions. However, not all clicks are beneficial.

If your Google Ads campaigns are not delivering the expected returns, you might be a victim of Google click fraud. This growing issue can jeopardise the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies and costs businesses millions every year.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what Google click fraud is, how it can affect your campaigns, and provide actionable tips to prevent it. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or a business owner using digital advertising, understanding click fraud is essential for maximising the return on your ad spend.

What is Google Click Ad Fraud?

Google click fraud occurs when individuals or automated bots (pretending to be a legitimate user) click on your PPC ads with malicious intent. These invalid clicks do not generate genuine interest or leads, but the affected business will still have to pay Google’s ad fee, which can quickly deplete their digital marketing budget.

Click fraud affects around 20% of all paid links on the internet, from search engine ads to banner ads and videos within the Google Display Network. Some fake clicks happen by mistake, like when a poor ad placement gets in the way of something the user is trying to click. Others have a malicious intent, like bot networks or competitors who click on ads to deplete the advertiser’s budget and damage the performance or reach of the ad. This type of invalid traffic is considered click fraud.

Regardless of the source, the impact on your Google Ads campaigns can be devastating as it can waste budget and distort campaign performance data.

The different types of Click Fraud include:


Bots are an individual computer program or generated scripts designed to repeatedly click on ads, creating the illusion of genuine user interest. These bots can vary from simple scripts to sophisticated software that mimics human behaviour and fake traffic. Fraudsters can create botnets, which are networks comprising thousands or even millions of computers that are all running click fraud software. Bot networks are the primary concern for digital marketers when it comes to click fraud. Some reports suggest up to 90% of all fake clicks within the Google Advertising Network are generated by bots.

Click farms

Similar to botnets, click farms consist of a large number of individuals who are paid to manually click on ads with malicious intent.

Proxy server traffic

Proxy server traffic hides the location and identity of users. Proxy servers route traffic through their servers before it reaches a destination website. This skews user data collection for potential customers and optimisation of ad campaigns.

Competitor click fraud

In some cases, competitors will click on ads to exhaust your ad budget or skew the performance of your ads, leaving you with fewer resources to compete.

Incentivised click fraud

This type of click fraud is offering incentives to people to commit click fraud, such as money or points. The individuals clicking on these ads don’t have to have interest in the ads content.

Publisher fraud

Some website owners may generate fake clicks on ads displayed on their site to boost their ad revenue through affiliate marketing.

Ad stacking

Ad stacking is a form of mobile advertising fraud where several ads are layered over one another within a single ad placement. Although the user can only see the top ad, the hidden ads in the stack also register a click or impression, causing advertisers to incur costs for fraudulent impressions and/or clicks.

How Does Click Fraud Affect Google Ad Campaigns?

Click fraud is a common source of hesitation with pay-per-click advertising. You want to know your Google Ads are being seen by real humans with real interest to avoid spending more than you need to. Regardless of the size of your business, nobody can afford to keep wasting money on fake clicks that have zero chance of a sale. Understanding the impact of click fraud on your Google Ads campaigns is crucial for maintaining a healthy and effective advertising strategy.

wasted budget

Every fraudulent click chips away at your advertising budget, leaving you with less money available to attract actual customers. Click fraud also skews your metrics, giving the illusion of better ad performance. Despite a surge in clicks, they don’t generate leads and sales, leading to wasted investment. Funds lost to fraudulent clicks could have been better spent on legitimate opportunities that drive real conversions. This ultimately undermines your digital marketing efforts and lowers your return on investment (ROI). 

skewed analytics

Fraudulent clicks can distort your campaign analytics, drive up advertising costs, lower conversion rates and skew user data, making it difficult to  accurately measure the success of your ads. Skewed data can lead you to make misguided decisions based on false performance metrics. For instance, you might think a particular keyword is performing well due to a high click-through rate (CTR), only to find out later that those clicks were fraudulent. This can result in wasted time, effort, loss of potential customers and money as you optimise your campaigns based on inaccurate data.

reduced campaign performance

When click fraud drains your budget, your ads might stop running sooner than intended. This reduces the visibility of your campaigns and the potential to reach genuine customers. Lower ad visibility means fewer opportunities for conversions and sales, which can significantly impact your bottom line. Reduced performance metrics can also negatively affect your ad rankings and quality scores, making it even more challenging to achieve your advertising goals. 

Click fraud not only affects current campaigns but also future ones. Distorted data, poor audience targeting, and lack of feedback make it challenging to optimise your ongoing PPC advertising campaigns.

time and resources

Identifying and analysing click fraud requires significant time and effort, often diverting attention from other crucial campaign tasks. Dealing with the aftermath of click fraud, such as disputing fraudulent charges with ad networks, also adds to the administrative workload. Implementing measures to prevent click fraud, such as using specialised tools and continuously updating IP exclusion lists, also demands ongoing resource investment.

damage to reputation

Persistent click fraud can undermine the perceived effectiveness of your campaigns, making it harder to demonstrate value to stakeholders. If customers perceive that your ads are frequently involved in fraudulent activity, it can erode their trust in your brand. High levels of click fraud can also negatively affect your standing with ad networks, potentially leading to stricter scrutiny or reduced ad visibility.

How Can You Identify Click Fraud Signs?

While some fake clicks are unavoidable with any PPC marketing strategy, detecting and mitigating click fraud is crucial to ensure the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns. Here are some common signs of click fraud:

Unusual traffic patterns

Sudden spikes in clicks without a corresponding increase in conversions can indicate click fraud. Monitor your campaign data for unusual patterns, such as unexpected surges in traffic or irregular click-through rates. These anomalies often point to fraudulent activity, which can drain your budget on paid search advertising and skew your performance metrics.

High bounce rates

If users click on your ad but leave almost immediately, it could be a sign of fraudulent activity. High bounce rates are often linked to click fraud, where malicious clicks result in no meaningful interaction. Analysing your bounce rates can help identify and mitigate the impact of fraudulent clicks on your campaigns.

geographic discrepancies

Clicks coming from geographic locations outside your target audience can suggest click fraud. Keep an eye on the geographic data of your ad clicks, especially if you notice a significant number of clicks from regions that you don’t usually target. This can help you pinpoint and address potential sources of click fraud, ensuring your budget is spent more effectively.

Are There Any Tools Or Techniques To Detect Click Fraud?

Click fraud is a potentially serious threat for online advertisements, making it crucial to implement solutions that proactively protect your campaigns. Several tools and techniques can help you monitor, detect, and mitigate click fraud while saving you valuable resources and enhancing your campaign performance. Here are some of the most effective options:

Google Ads Manager

Google Ads has sophisticated anti-click fraud programs to minimise your exposure. It uses advanced machine learning algorithms to identify invalid clicks and impressions and remove them from your account data. Google’s Ad Traffic Quality Team also constantly monitors and analyses traffic to detect and remove any clicks they deem invalid before advertisers are charged.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers features that can help identify suspicious activity. Ad engagement metrics are analysed to evaluate user engagement after clicking on an ad. Metrics like bounce rate, session duration, and page views help identify non-engaged traffic that might be fraudulent. By focusing on genuine user interactions, advertisers can ensure their ad budgets are spent effectively.

Click Fraud Detection Software

Several third-party software solutions specialise in detecting and preventing click fraud. Tools like ClickCease and PPC Protect can provide an additional layer of defence. They work by tracking your ad traffic, identifying suspicious patterns, and blocking fraudulent clicks. These tools also provide insights into the sources of click fraud, enabling you to take proactive measures to protect your campaigns.

Bot Detection

Bot detection is essential in identifying and blocking automated bots that generate fake clicks. Techniques like CAPTCHA, JavaScript challenges, and behaviour analysis are used to distinguish between human and bot traffic. This helps in preventing automated systems from inflating click numbers artificially.

IP Address Analysis

Google Ads allows you to exclude specific IP addresses from seeing your ads. This involves monitoring the IP addresses that interact with ads to identify patterns indicative of fraud. For instance, multiple clicks from the same IP address, known fraudulent IPs, and suspicious IP ranges can all be flagged. This technique helps in recognising and blocking repeated fraudulent attempts from the same network.

Device Fingerprinting

Device fingerprinting captures and analyses unique identifiers of devices interacting with ads. This method is effective in identifying multiple clicks from the same device even if the IP address changes, using cookies, browser characteristics, and hardware information. This way, it can track and block fraudulent clicks from specific devices.

Behavioural Analysis

By analysing the behaviour of users who click on ads, this method looks for unusual patterns such as rapid clicking, short session durations, and repetitive actions that are inconsistent with genuine user behavior. Such analysis helps in distinguishing between legitimate user interactions and fraudulent ones.

Traffic Source Analysis

Traffic source analysis involves evaluating the sources of traffic that result in ad clicks. This technique identifies and blocks suspicious or low-quality traffic sources that are likely to generate fraudulent clicks. By ensuring that traffic comes from reputable sources, advertisers can enhance the quality of their ad interactions.

Using these tools and techniques can enhance your ability to detect and prevent click fraud, ensuring that your Google Ads remain effective and affordable.

What Can You Do To Protect Your Campaigns From Click Fraud?

While tools for detecting and preventing click fraud are essential, implementing best practices can further safeguard your PPC campaigns. By understanding the financial impact of click fraud, you can allocate resources more effectively to protect your budget. Here are some strategies to help safeguard your Google Ads from fraudulent activity:

Monitor your campaigns regularly

Keep a close eye on your campaign performance metrics. Regular monitoring helps you spot unusual patterns or anomalies that may indicate click fraud. Pay particular attention to sudden spikes in clicks, unexpected drops in conversion rates, and unusual geographic data.

Use negative keywords

Negative keywords prevent your ads from showing up for irrelevant searches. This can reduce the chances of your ads being clicked on by bots or click farms.

Employ ad scheduling

Limiting the hours your ads run can minimise exposure to click fraud. Analyse your data to determine the safest times to display your ads.

Is click fraud illegal in Australia?

Yes, click fraud is illegal. It is considered a form of deceptive and misleading conduct under Australian consumer law, specifically the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. Click fraud involves deceitfully clicking on online ads to generate false charges or revenues, which can be categorised as fraudulent activity. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and other regulatory bodies actively work to detect and prevent such practices to maintain the integrity of online advertising. Legal consequences for engaging in click fraud in Australia can include fines, penalties, and other legal actions.

Beyond the legal aspects, click fraud raises significant ethical concerns. It undermines trust in digital advertising, wastes advertisers’ budgets, distorts marketing data, and can unfairly damage the reputation of businesses. Digital marketers and platforms like Google actively work to detect and prevent click fraud to maintain the integrity of pay-per-click advertising.

Legal Perspectives on Click Fraud

Regulatory Measures

Different regions have varying regulations concerning digital advertising fraud. Understanding these regulations can help in legal recourse against perpetrators.

Google’s policies

Google has policies in place to combat click fraud. Familiarise yourself with these policies to understand how Google handles fraudulent clicks.

Reporting fraudulent activity

If you suspect click fraud, report it to Google. They have systems in place to investigate and address such issues.

What Should You Do If You Suspect Click Fraud?

Speak with a Google Ads account manager at BAMBRICK if you believe your PPC budget is being wasted on fake clicks. We can optimise your campaign to mitigate the effects of click fraud, including setting up IP exclusions, adjusting your ad retargeting, and running remarketing campaigns. You can be confident that your paid search advertising will deliver the best return on investment with some expert guidance from our Google Ads team.

Immediate actions

You may choose to pause your campaigns temporarily to prevent further loss. BAMBRICK can then conduct a thorough analysis of your campaign data to determine the best course of action to restore your campaign.

long-term strategies

Implement click fraud prevention measures and regularly review your ads campaigns. Choosing BAMBRICK as your digital marketing agency will help you stay updated on the latest trends and tools in combating click frauds.


Need Some Help With Your Google Ads Campaign?

Google click fraud is a serious issue that can undermine your advertising efforts. By understanding its impact and implementing preventive measures, you can protect your campaigns and keep your Google Ads costs down. Remember, vigilance is key. Regular monitoring and the use of advanced tools can help keep your campaigns free from fraudulent activity. Ready to take the next step? Contact BAMBRICK your digital marketing agency today to safeguard your Google Ads campaigns and maximise your advertising budget.