Not all landing pages are created equally.
If you want yours to have any hope of success there are a few elements you must include.
Creating a landing page without EVERY SINGLE ONE of these five elements…
Means you’re begging your competition to steal your customers.
1) A Headline That Makes It Immediately Clear Why Potential Customers Should Choose YOU.
Your headline is the first thing people will read when they land on your page.
If it doesn’t engage readers, they won’t continue to read the rest of your message.
Your headline should be benefit driven and incorporate your Unique Selling Proposition.
The biggest mistake we see businesses make is using generic headlines that aren’t targeted or unique. Anyone can make the same statement.
If your headline doesn’t resonate with your readers’ deep desires it will flop… along with your pages conversion rate.
David Ogilvy, often referred to as ‘The Father Of Advertising’ went so far to say:
“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”
Great copywriters spend the bulk of their time writing and re-writing compelling headlines.
That’s how important this step is.
Originally the local pack appeared down below the organic listings and showed 7 businesses:
2) Photos Of Your Potential Customers SPECIFIC Desired After State.
Your website visitors already have a very good understanding of their problem. Now it’s your job to show them how you solve that problem. How will their life look different after choosing you?
As an example, the audience for this page is looking for a the perfect venue for their perfect wedding day. While this wedding venue happens to be a golf course, the image in the first example doesn’t really speak to the picture that the bride-to-be has in mind.
This second image on the other hand, does a much better job of speaking to the ‘specific desired after state’ that she is trying to achieve and thus, conversion rates and the amount of leads this page generates will be much higher.
A well-designed website does more than ‘look nice’.
It can make a massive difference in your business’s success by:
- Adding to your credibility online
- Helping users make buying decisions, and
- Boosting your conversion rates.
The lead generation experts at OptinMonster recommend keeping it simple:
“Simplicity is super important when it comes to driving conversions. Any time you’re creating a page, ask yourself whether there’s a way to make it simpler. The result is usually more pleasing, and it almost always converts better.”
3) List Of The Unique BENEFITS Of Your Offering (Not The Features).
People don’t buy features, they buy benefits.
You may have heard the old adage “people don’t buy a quarter inch drill bit, they buy a quarter inch hole”.
Ryan Deiss from Digital Marketer takes this one step further:
“They don’t even want the hole — they want the feeling of happiness seeing a family portrait hanging on the wall. They need the drill and the hole to get that outcome.”
It might be tough to hear… but your product is an obstacle to your customer achieving their desired state.
To understand the real reason they need your product or service, ask yourself this:
- What problem does your prospect want to solve?
- How is your product or service going to help them do that?
4) Reasons To Trust You & PROOF That Other People Trust You Too.
Describing your benefits is a great start.
But what others say about you and your business can be even more persuasive.
Trust elements help overcome objections and back up the claims you make on your site.
The conversion experts at Crazy Egg highlight an important point:
“Your trust elements should be relevant to your target market.”
For instance, if you’re offering a service, include testimonials or use logos from previous clients.
If you’re an e-commerce site, offer peace of mind with third-party trust badges during checkout.
Here are a few of the ways you can show trust on your site:
- Testimonials from previous customers
- Payment assurance if taking money online
- Rock solid guarantees that reverse risk
- Proven track records of your success
- Demonstrations of your product or service
- Case studies from successful clients
- Awards / Accolades
- Logos of other organisations you are part of
- Accreditations
Don’t get bogged down in small design tweaks. Your website or landing pages’ goal is to inspire confidence and get the reader to take some kind of action.
Which leads us to our final point…
5) A Strong Call To Action (Repeated Tirelessly)
Your Call To Action is critical to your landing page.
Spell out what action you want your readers to take next – don’t leave it up to them to ‘figure it out’.
Ask for the sale, ask them to download your free report, or ask them to call your number.
Ask the reader to take some kind of action now, not later.
A call to action should be attention-grabbing, state the benefits to the reader, and it should be simple. Repeat it as many times as necessary, don’t be shy.
We routinely see businesses – even ones who sell all day long – neglect to do so on their website.
If you skip over this point, your previous work will be for nothing.
Here’s a list of 31 Call-to-Action Examples You Can’t Help But Click by Hubspot for inspiration.
There are a lot of elements that you can tweak to increase your landing pages conversion rate.
But doing these five elements well is essential.
Nail these and you’ll be well on your way to higher conversions and a healthier business.
Speak With A Conversion Specialist At Bambrick Media
Every week we are constantly helping all our clients to customise and execute the elements we’ve talked about in this post. If you want to speak with one of our specialist about how to implement them in your your business, get in touch for a Free 30 Minute Strategy Session today.