Google’s latest algorithmic update is set to hit thousands of companies as it refines its results to mobile friendly sites…

From The Sydney Morning Herald

“More than half of Australia’s biggest companies will “disappear” from Google on mobile devices as the US technology giant changes the way it ranks searches.

From Wednesday, Google will prioritise companies that have “mobile-friendly” websites when people use the search engine on their smartphones or tablet computers.

Google says businesses with desktop-only sites will still appear in searches but they will be ranked lower then those tailored for mobile use.

“As more people use mobile devices to access the internet, our algorithms have to adapt to these usage patterns,” the company wrote in a blog post.

However, digital strategist Ewan Watt, or, said the changes would disadvantage most Australian companies, considering 66 percent of the nation’s websites weren’t optimised for mobile devices…”

Read the full article here.

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