What is a landing page, and why is it important for my business?

A landing page is the first place your customer meets you after clicking your ad, following your link, or finding you on Google. You may have heard landing pages referred to as a ‘lead page’, ‘destination page’, or ‘static page’. So, what does that mean? Basically, a high converting landing page will determine the return on investment of your digital marketing and advertising campaign.

An effective landing page will encourage visitors to take action, such as completing a form, making a purchase, or committing to a service. Unlike other webpages that are designed with multiple purposes and roles, a high converting landing page is designed to focus on a single objective or conversion goal.

The quality of your landing page can make or break your digital campaign. You need to entice your customers with your landing page design, otherwise they will lose interest before even reading the first sentence. There’s a reason lollies and sweets bear brightly coloured packaging and lively imagery. There’s also a reason most people walk past the health-food section without a second glance. The social proof is in the pudding. You need to win your landing page to win your customers.

At BAMBRICK, we offer landing page design services that ensure your target audience directs their entire attention to your landing page. Take a look at some of the key benefits of a strong landing page. Whether you’re lacking in these areas or you know you could be doing better, our landing page design can help you maximise your outcomes. Here’s what we can do at BAMBRICK:


Ideal to maximise your conversion rate by turning clicks into customers for your business.


Attract visitors into your sales funnel by capturing visitor information and sign-ups for your business.


Attract visitors into your sales funnel by capturing visitor information and sign-ups for your business.


Constant attention to ensure your high converting landing pages continue to generate results for your business.


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Effective landing pages make the difference. Here's how:

These pages serve as conversion catalysts. They engage visitors with compelling visuals and persuasive copy, building trust and guiding them towards desired actions. Through clear messaging and intuitive design, they optimise user experience, enhancing conversion and maximising marketing ROI. Let’s take a look at their key avenues of success.


This allows you to tailor your message towards your specific target audience or advertising campaigns through content, imagery, and relevance.


This allows you to follow the customer journey and inspire action through sign-ups and purchases to maximise conversions.


This removes unnecessary distractions and guides users through the conversion process with greater efficiency.


This allows you to direct visitors to a well-crafted landing page that will increase the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


This will allow you to track user behaviour, which is pivotal in understanding the effectiveness of a campaign.


These pages will help your website improve SEO and search engine rankings, in turn attracting even more traffic.



Types of landing pages

A landing page comes in numerous shapes and sizes, with the best landing pages offering a cost-effective solution to drive leads and sales. Here is a look at the most common and employed landing page types that will support your online marketing efforts.

The Squeeze Landing Page

The Squeeze Landing Page is the best landing page for gaining customer contact information. This type of landing page is built to collect email addresses from visitors and generally offers some incentive or content that is otherwise restricted.

If you have a few newsletters and ‘last chance sale’ emails rotting in your spam folder, that is probably because you have fallen victim to the temptation of this type of page in the past.

The Splash Landing Page

The Splash Landing Page is best practice for welcoming customers without using lead generation as the primary goal. This page is specifically designed to be informative and captivating.

Splash Pages are used to promote offers, and are designed to capture attention quickly through sharp visuals, eye-catching graphics, and a strong headline and value proposition that hooks the viewer.

The Lead Generation Landing Page

The Lead Generation Landing Page is the most common page for capturing more customer information like Name, Email, and Phone Number to generate marking leads.

This type of page originates at the very beginning of the conversion funnel, gaining visitor information. The guest information usually comes in exchange for an offer, which will vary depending on the goals of the company.

A common method is the ‘10% off your first purchase when you sign up NOW’. Admit it, you’ve been persuaded by a few of these in your time.

The Video Landing Page

The Video Landing Page is a tactic used to persuade visitors to direct their focus to a video that can inspire action and improve conversion rates.

Most often, these videos don’t have a pause of exit button, which forces an audience to keep their attention throughout the duration of the video. From there, the natural instinct is to scroll down. These pages represent a great way to quickly outline the unique selling points of a product or service.

The Click-Through Landing Page

The Click-Through Landing Page offers detailed information on an offer to turn visitors to click through to a conversion focus page like the lead generation page.

Generally, the only clickable element on each page will be the call to action button, with these pages performing effectively in eCommerce businesses that are trying to direct visitors to make a purchase.

The Sales Landing Page

The Sales Landing Page is among the high converting pages that target customers in the final stages of the buyer’s journey into spending money.

This page is formulated specifically for conversion and usually offers more detail than a traditional landing page.

The Advertorial Landing Page

The Advertorial Landing Page is a well designed landing page that mimics an organic news story and offers the customer value before they land on your sales page.

These pages give the impression of articles that publicise a product or service and commonly take the position of blogs on a website. This is a great tool to increase visitor awareness of a product or service and is a great way to break the ice.

The Lead Magnet Landing Page

The Lead Magnet Landing Page is designed to capture warm leads and segment leads by offering value in exchange for a customer’s contact information.

A great example of a Lead Magnet Landing Page can be found in blog pages, eBooks, live webinars, and consultations that require customer information to proceed.

The Pre-Launch Landing Page

The Pre-Launch Landing Page is generally a new landing page that is used to generate early sign-ups and interest for an upcoming offer.

These pages are a great way to spark interest around a product or service, getting the word out early with a clean page that provides a concise breakout of the unique selling points with an image and a call to action. Apple does this almost every year with the recurring launch of the iPhone.



The value of the landing page

Each type of landing page offers its own unique characteristics and objectives, whether it’s more revenue or more traffic. However, they all share the common goal of creating a seamless experience while guiding customers towards a specific action that can maximise conversion rate. Selecting the most appropriate type of page for your digital marketing and campaign objectives can help you optimise your conversions and achieve greater success.

Chat with our Digital Strategy Team at BAMBRICK today to learn more about our landing page design services. We have the insight and understanding to help you generate more leads and loyal customers through conversion landing page creation.


Glennys Poole
Marketing Administration Manager


Glennys Poole
Marketing Administration Manager


Bambrick has been a breath of fresh air, they have taken the time to really understand the key aspects of our business & our market. They have always been proactive, even in challenging market conditions such as COVID-19. Bambrick researched and presented an innovative approach to ensuring our business could thrive during this period. We are now hitting a cost per lead which is half our original target and could not be happier with the service we receive. I would highly recommend Bambrick’s Digital Marketing Services.

Increase in Conversions
Increase in conversion rate
Decrease in cost per lead

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Michael Sherlock

- Sentinel Property Group

“Having worked with countless marketing and PR firms in my former position as the CEO of Brumby’s Bakeries, I find Bambrick refreshingly responsive and insightful. I’ve worked with Bambrick for years now and was really excited by the opportunity to involve them in my latest project at Sentinel Property Group.”

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Giuliana Bonel

- Brisbane Powerhouse

“Bambrick effectively manage SEO and display advertising for the Brisbane Powerhouse brand, increasing traffic to our website and providing valuable insights into audience behaviour. They also work on a number of major campaigns designed to drive ticket sales for key projects such as Brisbane Comedy Festival across Facebook advertising, SEO and display. Their solid understanding of our diverse product, plus our current and growth audiences, ensures a strategic approach to their campaigns and has resulted in an increased reach that is easily trackable.”

Abbey Madden

- Sofitel Brisbane Central

“Bambrick have been efficient, cooperative and amazing to work with throughout our digital marketing campaigns. They have executed our ideas seamlessly whilst adhering to our specific guidelines and provide helpful feedback and guidance, which ultimately created a successful result for our company!”

How will we be different from the last landing page design agency?

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Every decision we make is based on getting you the maximum return on investment.

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We only make money when you do. We’re in it for the long haul, not quick wins.

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Industry changes and shake-ups? We’re the first to know. Our team is always updated and adaptable.


Your personalised high converting landing page design services

Allow the experienced team at BAMBRICK to help you implement high converting landing pages that can support and emphasise your digital marketing goals and ensure you’re squeezing every penny out of your advertising spend.

High-quality, user-friendly content

There is nothing more frustrating than watching your ad spend away as customers leave your website without interacting with your landing page.

At BAMBRICK, we want to see your website perform and your landing pages work effectively. With high-quality, user-friendly content that offers a clear call to action, our expert team of digital strategists can implement custom-designed pages that increase website traffic to help your business meet its targets.

Cost Effective

BAMBRICK specialises in providing cost-effective landing page design services that prioritise both quality and affordability. Our experienced team combines creativity with strategic thinking to craft successful landing pages that drive website traffic conversions without breaking the bank.

Whether you need a lead generation landing page, sales page, or event registration page, BAMBRICK delivers professional designs that follow your branding guidelines and maximise your return on investment without sacrificing quality.

Measured Results

At BAMBRICK, we offer landing page design services that prioritise measurable results. Through meticulous attention to detail and data-driven strategies, we create conversion landing pages that not only captivate visitors but also drive traffic and conversions.

Our team conducts thorough A/B testing and analytics to optimise performance continually. By tracking key metrics such as conversion, website traffic, bounce rates, and engagement levels, we ensure that our designs align with your business objectives and deliver tangible outcomes.

With BAMBRICK, you can trust that your conversion landing pages are not just visually appealing but also effective in achieving your conversion goals, backed by concrete data and insights.

Copywriting and Messaging

The crucial element of a strong website landing page is the copywriting and messaging. If you want to make an impact and meet your business needs, our team of copywriters can revolutionise your website landing pages and other pages (like home pages) by offering valuable insights into the website design process that can reinforce your landing page design.

You only have a few seconds to captivate your customers, so the landing page copy has to be perfect. At BAMBRICK, we understand that, and we excel at implementing effective website copy that will take the reach of your business to new heights.

From Google AdWords campaigns to high converting landing pages, the written word is one of the most important design elements on your website, and with the hook, we take your digital marketing to the next level.

Conversion Rate Optimisation Services

BAMBRICK offers conversion rate optimisation (CRO) services alongside our expert landing page design. We meticulously analyse user behaviour, conduct A/B testing, and refine elements such as copy, design, and a strong CTA to maximise customer conversion.

Through data-driven insights, we identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to enhance user engagement and conversions. Our iterative approach ensures continuous refinement, resulting in landing pages that consistently outperform design agency expectations.

With BAMBRICK’s CRO services integrated into your landing page design, you can expect not only visually stunning pages but also optimised website performance that translates into measurable business growth and success.

Proven record of creating successful landing pages

We don’t need to tell you what we’re capable of – just check your Google Analytics. At BAMBRICK, we’re dedicated to helping your business increase conversions and results through carefully tailored landing pages. As a respected landing page design agency, we deliver a clear and persuasive value proposition that will skyrocket your conversions across any search engines.

BAMBRICK can help your business take the right steps towards your goals with new landing page content that will catch the attention of Google Analytics and drive your target audience towards your business page so that you can turn guests into customers.

Book now for your FREE consultation and landing page design strategy session. We will show you precisely how you can optimise your website landing pages to drive conversions.


What our clients say

“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across ourgroup, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive
“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost 3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across our group, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive

What your free strategysession includes:

An analysis of your current strategies & competitors

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What our clients say

“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across ourgroup, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive
“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost 3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across our group, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive

What your free strategysession includes:

An analysis of your current
strategies & competitors

The #1 thing to drastically
increase lead volumes now

Customised report,
documented to take away

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