Why does your business need a social media marketing strategy?

Social media is the defining technology of a generation. With so many different platforms, it’s now easier than ever to share interests, ideas and information with anyone. You can stay connected with friends, discover what’s happening in the world, and discuss those current events with total strangers all in the one place. Social media has not only revolutionised how we interact online, it even influences our behaviour when we’re out and about. We share everything on our social media accounts, whether it’s a major life event, like a wedding or new baby, or just pictures of our food.

Every day, there are more than 4.5 billion Likes on Facebook, 500 million Tweets and 95 million photos uploaded to Instagram – and those numbers are always growing. Facebook has the biggest market share of all the social media platforms with around 3 billion active users every month who spend on average 30 minutes browsing each time they visit. That includes more than a third of Australians who check their social media at least twice a day. When was the last time you checked your Facebook?


People spend a lot of time on social media, which makes it an indispensable tool for businesses looking to build a stronger digital presence. Even if you personally don’t understand the appeal of using Facebook, your customers do, and capturing their attention is half the battle with any digital marketing strategy. It makes sense to advertise in the place where your target audience is most likely to look. Just having a social media page will help more customers find you, but a dedicated strategy for social media advertising can transform your business.

The benefits of using social media for your digital marketing include:

  • You gain customer insight
  • You increase brand awareness
  • Your targeted ads get real-time results
  • You increase your website traffic
  • You know what your competitors are doing
  • You build relationships with your customers

When users sign up for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, they share personal information including their age, gender, interests and location. Those detailed profiles can then be used by advertisers to focus on the specific demographics that make up their ideal customer base. Social media advertising campaigns make it easy to put the right ads in front of the right people and ultimately entice them to make a purchase. If you haven’t embraced the power of social media marketing then your business is missing out.

Discover the boundless potential of our digital marketing services with a free strategy session at BAMBRICK today. You’ll learn exactly how your business can use the targeted reach of social media to attract more customers for less advertising spend.


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Which social media platforms should you use for your digital marketing?

With about 21.2 million active users in Australia and most of them checking multiple platforms, social media has a near endless reach. It’s a flexible solution for digital marketing with a broad range of ad formats and types to cater to every audience. The challenge is selecting the social media platform that’s going to work for your business. TikTok might have more daily users than LinkedIn, but a campaign for commercial lawyers probably won’t resonate with teenagers watching viral videos.

Effective social media advertising is about designing a campaign which speaks directly to the wants and needs of your target market. You need to understand the benefits of each social media platform and how to use them to your advantage. Instagram and TikTok are popular with young audiences while Facebook tends to skew older and LinkedIn is focused on professionals. You might choose to run social ads across multiple platforms, but you can tailor your content to each audience.

Targeted social media marketing allows you to reach consumers where they’re already spending most of their time and convert more clicks into paying customers. Our social media specialists at BAMBRICK will help you choose the right platform and develop a personalised strategy to ensure your ads are always on point.



Facebook is the preferred platform for social media advertising. It has the largest audience with 2 billion people logging in every day, and offers a wide range of ad formats including images and videos. Facebook has a diverse user base, but the majority are 25 years and older. It’s particularly popular with older demographics as 87% of Australians aged between 43-58 check their profile at least once a month.


The photo and video sharing platform is second only to Facebook for audience size with more than 2 billion monthly users. Instagram focuses on visually stimulating and engaging content which means you need to create ads to match. Instagram’s core audience skews younger than Facebook with most users aged between 18-34.


Twitter (now called X) is known for real-time updates, news, and short-form content. It has around 541 million monthly active users, but it is somewhat limited when it comes to advertising options. You can choose promoted tweets, accounts or hashtags, but the demographic targeting is lesser and more restricted. The majority of Twitter/X users are men and women aged 18-29.


LinkedIn is primarily used for professional networking with 950 million members worldwide. You can advertise effectively on this platform if you’re a B2B company or if you are targeting a specific type of professional. About half of LinkedIn users have at least a university degree while the biggest age group is 30-39.


TikTok is a short-form video app that offers a unique space for entertaining and creative content. It has a huge global reach, with 834 million monthly users who spend an average of 1.5 hours per day using TikTok – the highest of any platform. The primary audience for TikTok is aged 16 to 24, making it the ideal choice for targeting the youth market.


YouTube is the undisputed powerhouse of online video content. It has a broad reach in terms of audiences, with 2.5 billion users worldwide, and offers both video ads and static advertising options. YouTube is effective in many ways – raising brand awareness and swaying purchasing decisions – but targeting is limited and the ads are more expensive compared to other platforms.

Ready to get started? Book a free strategy session with our digital marketing team at BAMBRICK and learn more about our range of social media marketing solutions.


How will we be different from the last social media agency?

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How do you build a cost-effective social media strategy?


The value of social media for advertisers comes from the wealth of data that users share about themselves. Your profile is an insight into who you are, where you live, what you like to do, and who you like to do those things with. Social media ads are automatically shown to people who are most likely to find them relevant, but you still need the right message to get results from your digital marketing. For example, a purely sales focused ad is unlikely to pique the interest of someone who doesn’t know your business. They’ll just keep scrolling, even if they fit the profile for your ideal customer.

Most businesses (and even some digital marketing agencies) are wasting their investment in social media because they’re focused on getting the click instead of the customer. With digital campaigns like Google Ads and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), your target market is actively searching for the products or services you offer. Social media marketing is about helping your business to find customers which means you need to focus on making a connection with them first. Your approach to social advertising should be aligned with every stage of the marketing funnel from awareness to consideration and ultimately conversion.

Our social media specialists at BAMBRICK can show you how to use the innovative audience selection tools to build a relationship with your potential customers before going for the hard sell. You can target by demographics and create custom or lookalike audiences to show your ads to users who are similar to your best customers. You can also use retargeting ads to entice users who have interacted with your page or visited your website. Once you know who you want to target with your social media marketing, these audience selection tools will ensure that your social media ads hit the mark.

Core Audiences:

Define an audience based on criteria such as age, interests, geography and more. With Core Audiences, you set the rules for where your ads are delivered and you can adjust your audience to be as broad or well-defined as you like.

Custom Audiences:

Get back in touch with people who have engaged with your business, online or off. Custom Audiences allow you to connect with people who have already shown interest in your business, whether they’re loyal customers or people who have visited your website or store.

Lookalike Audiences:

Reach new people whose interests are similar to those of your best customers. Lookalike Audiences are a fast and effective way to connect with people who are likely to respond to your ads. All you need to do is create a source audience of people you know. Your ads will then reach people with common interests and traits.

If you could use specific, proven advice on how to optimise your entire social media marketing campaign then book a free strategy session with the digital marketing experts at BAMBRICK. You’ll get a clear picture of the current status of your social media advertising and the reasons you’re not getting the results you deserve – and how to turn this around quickly and easily. Contact us today and discover why we’re the best social media marketing agency Brisbane has to offer.



Do social media campaigns really work?


As an experienced digital marketing agency, BAMBRICK has helped hundreds of businesses in Brisbane and across Australia to realise the full potential of advertising on social media. We’re confident in our social media strategies and we’ll work with you to develop a campaign that is perfectly aligned to your business goals. When you partner with BAMBRICK for paid social media advertising, you can expect to see real, measurable results – just like these happy clients.

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They also work on a number of major campaigns designed to drive ticket sales for key projects such as Brisbane Comedy Festival across Facebook advertising, SEO and display. Their solid understanding of our diverse product, plus our current and growth audiences, ensures a strategic approach to their campaigns and has resulted in an increased reach that is easily trackable. We particularly value their responsiveness. Bambrick are key to our effective digital strategy and I would have no hesitation in recommending the team.

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What clients say about our social media agency Brisbane

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Michael Sherlock

- Sentinel Property Group

“Having worked with countless marketing and PR firms in my former position as the CEO of Brumby’s Bakeries, I find Bambrick refreshingly responsive and insightful. I’ve worked with Bambrick for years now and was really excited by the opportunity to involve them in my latest project at Sentinel Property Group.”

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Carla Cook

- ResortBrokers Australia

“The team at Bambrick are a pleasure to work with because they are a local company that give us the opportunity to work alongside them on our campaigns and help us to execute all of our concepts and plans effectively. We really enjoy our regular strategy meetings and always feel welcome to put any of our ideas on the table.”

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Chris Slade

- The Driving School

“After our first meeting with Bambrick we were instantly impressed with their professionalism. We believe that Google Adwords will be of utmost importance for our survival in this difficult time. Bambrick are very good at what they do, and are always available to chat via email or phone call. I highly recommend them.”


Social Media Marketing Brisbane FAQs

Have you ever scrolled through your social media feed and wondered why some posts are labelled “sponsored” while others seem to be just the latest updates from your friends? That’s the difference between paid and organic social media. Both are effective ways to get your message out there, but the key to a successful social media strategy is understanding which will help achieve your marketing goals.

Organic social media is all about the content that you create and publish on your social media pages, such as Facebook posts or Instagram stories. This content is shared freely and naturally among your followers, without any direct payment. Organic posts are often managed by an in-house marketing team as a way to boost brand engagement more so than directly driving sales. The challenge is that organic reach is mostly limited to your existing audience and competitive algorithms mean you have little control over when they’ll see it.

Paid social media refers to paying for advertising space to promote your business to new or targeted audiences who are likely to be interested. This can be done through “boosting” your organic content or creating unique advertisements that can be displayed in a wide range of formats, such as images or video. You have to pay for every click or impression, but you can reach the right audience with your message at the ideal time. Your paid ads will seem like a more natural part of the social media experience, especially when they are designed with care.

At BAMBRICK, we specialise in creating paid social media campaigns for our clients. The reality is that only a small percentage of your followers will ever see your organic posts – no matter how much time and money you invest in social media content creation. Paid ads are the best way for businesses to target specific audiences on social media, and convert them to customers. Book a free strategy session today to learn how our social media marketing services can help grow your digital presence.

One of the most common metrics for social media success is the number of followers you have, but that doesn’t really apply to paid advertising. Most major platforms allow you to start running ad campaigns without any followers at all. While a large follower count can certainly help with social proof and credibility, paid ads are targeted to specific audiences, not just people who already “like” your business.

The success of paid social media advertising depends on factors such as your budget, the competitiveness of your market, and the quality of your ad content. Even with a smaller following, if your ads resonate with people then they are far more likely to work. Your focus should be on creating compelling and relevant ads using a well-defined targeting strategy to capture the attention of potential customers.

It’s true that a larger follower count can contribute to a broader organic reach, allowing your posts to be seen by more users without paid promotion. However, paid reach works independently of follower count. With a highly-targeted paid social media campaign, you can connect with new audiences and ultimately expand your following when they become happy customers.

Reach and impressions are both important metrics for social media marketing, but they represent different aspects of audience engagement. In simple terms, reach measures the potential audience size you’re connecting with, while impressions are the number of times your ad has been shown. Depending on your goals, you’ll need to review both reach and impressions to better understand your social media ads.

Reach refers to the total number of unique users who have seen your ad during a specific period, counting each user only once. If your ad reaches 1,000 people, that means 1,000 different individuals saw it at least once. Impressions are the total number of times your ad has been shown, whether it’s the first time or a repeat view by the same user. If your ad generates 5,000 impressions, that means your ad was displayed a total of 5,000 times, including both unique and repeated views.

Although the two metrics may seem similar, they provide unique insights into the overall effectiveness of your social advertising. A high reach with a low number of impressions could mean that users are simply scrolling past your ad without engaging, whereas a high number of impressions with a low reach could indicate that your post is being viewed multiple times by a smaller group of users. By analysing both impressions and reach, you can get a complete picture of how your ads are performing and adjust your social media strategy accordingly.


What our clients say

“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across ourgroup, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive
“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost 3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across our group, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive

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What our clients say

“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across ourgroup, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive
“Our team have been working with Bambrick Media for almost 3 years to increase our Search Engine Optimisation across our group, this is where we are mostly ranked as number one!”— Eagers Automotive

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